

  • Enterprise Objectives:                        What do you want your world to look like? 
  • Global Landscape Assessment:       What does your world look like today?
  • Integrated Analysis:                            Why does your world look this way? 
  • Conceptual Development:                What could your world look like? 
  • Global Strategy Development:        What's the plan to intersect available resources with current global realities? 
  • Tactical Action Plans:                         What are the specific targets, actions, timelines?  Realistic? 
  • Dashboard and Controls:                   Can you monitor and easily input corrections to stay on course?  
  • Compliance Assessment:                   Does your world consistently look the way you want it to?  Relentlessly?

Structuring Global | Regional | Local

  1. calibrate competencies - who's best at what?
  2. eliminate redundancies - are internal task competitors wasting time and money?
  3. clarify contribution roles - who's designing | who's executing?
  4. value roles - are all roles appropriately recognized and rewarded for organizational homeostasis?
  5. optimize workflows - what's needed when?
  6. realign & reassign - is the right unit expertise matched to each deliverable?
  7. monitor & adjust - clear responsibility drives clear accountability.

Appropriate Architecture Drivers

  1. clarity - business units understand where, how and why things integrate.
  2. focus - business units held accountable, concentrate their efforts on their specific deliverables.
  3. collaboration - eliminates cross functional and geographic conflict.
  4. efficiency - right staff | right deliverable yields better results and overall role satisfaction.
  5. savings - redeploy newly recovered headcount and cost savings.
  6. speed - accelerate development cycles and deliverables throughput.
  7. results - improve overall rating (OAR) satisfaction metrics for any deliverable or organization.